Player EvaluationsAs part of AYSO's core philosophies, creating Balanced teams, we require every coach to evaluate his/her players so that the region can more effectively organize balanced teams within each age division for the next season. Accurate player evaluations are essential to the process of forming balanced teams. It is important that you be impartial, objective, and accurate. Please take your time and give this evaluation the consideration it requires.
5 - High impact player; can carry a team; excellent individual and team skills; leader.
4 - Strong player; good individual and team skills; very good at multiple positions or
excellent at one position (e.g. goalkeeper); would make any team better.
3 - Average player; have basic skills and understanding of the game; generally do
not impact game (positively or negatively.)
2 - Below average player; do not have basic skills or game sense. May also have a negative attitude that brings other players down.
1 - Players who have never played before; have little skill or understanding of the game; or players that are disruptive to a team.
Can give 0.5 increments for rating differentiation.Numeric ranking determine where that player ranked among your team, i.e. #1 ranking means that player was the best player on your team.
To evaluate your players, please
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